Box Set Bundle

Personal Development Series Titles

1.     Personal Growth 

2.     Self-discipline

3.     Habit

4.     Gratitude 

5.     Focus

6.     Mentorship 

7.     Leadership 

8.     Potential 

9.     Vision Board 

10.     Goal Setting 

11.     Attitude 

12.     Thinking 

Universal Laws Series Titles

13.     Law of Compatibility 

14.     Law of Attraction 

15.     Law of Concentration 

16.     Law of Cause and Effect 

17.     Law of Responsibility 

18.     Law of Belief 

19.     Law of Service 

20.     Law of Correspondence 

21.     Law of Expectations 

22.     Law of Giving 

23.     Law of Words 

24.     Law of Love

Emotional Intelligence Series Titles

25.     What is Emotional Intelligence 

26.     Emotions

27.     Self-awareness

28.     Self-control 

29.     Self-motivation

30.     Social Skills

31.     Empathy 

32.     Different Personality Types

Financial Education Series Titles

33.     Money

34.     Financial Freedom 

35.     Investment 

36.     Insurance 

37.     Budgeting

38.     Saving Vs Savings 

39.     Debt (Good & Bad)

40.     Mindset (Rich & Poor)

41.     Passive Income 

42.     Becoming an Entrepreneur

Dear Child Books

43.     Dear Child Book 

44.     Personal Values Guide Book

45.     Inspiring Reading Quotes 

46.     Personal Awareness Guide Book 

47.     Big Ideas Book

Biography Series Titles

48.     Mahatma Gandhi

49.     Oprah Winfrey

50.     Mother Teresa

51.     Nelson Mandela

52.     Grandma Moses

53.     Graig Kielburger

54.     Beatrice Biira

55.     Beatrix Potter

56.     Florence Nightingale

57.     Mattie Stepanek

58.     Alfred Nobel

59.     J K Rowling

60.     Eleanor Roosevelt

61.     Michael Jordan

62.     Anne Frank

63.     Albert Schweitzer

64.     Helen Keller

65.     Maude Abbott

66.     Maya Angelo

67.     Sam Walton

68.     Thomas Edison

69.     Walt Disney

70.     Wangari Maathai

Leadership Series Titles 

71. What is Leadership 

72. Team Building 

73. Communication 

74. Motivation 

75. Conflict Resolution 

76. Time Management 

77. Strategic Planning 

78. Adaptability 

79. Vision

80. 30 Inspiring Leadership Quotes 

Guide/ Work Books

81. Personal Development Guide Book

82. Emotional Intelligence GuideBook

83. Leadership Development GuideBook

84. Executive Function GuideBook

...........Soo much more

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